100 Silly Drawing Prompts
Draw a llama surfing.
Draw a fish swimming in something other than water.
Combine two animals to create a new one.
Draw a shark eating a cupcake.
Draw a crab at a birthday party.
Draw a seahorse in a blizzard.
Draw a dinosaur crying.
Draw an animal with arms for legs and legs for arms.
Draw a pug on a treadmill.
Draw a horse throwing a horseshoe.
Draw a shark waterskiing.
Draw a walrus in a beach chair.
Draw a circus elephant standing on a ball.
Draw a koala bear sitting on a trash can.
Draw a lizard putting on lipstick.
Draw a squirrel roasting a marshmallow.
Draw an octopus with spoons for legs.
Draw a mouse riding a motorcycle.
Draw a flamingo doing ballet.
Draw a butterfly eating a steak
Draw a cat chasing a dog.
Draw a lobster dancing.
Draw a cat playing a sport.
Draw a chicken skydiving.
Draw a piece of fruit in outer space.
Draw a Pop Tart lifting weights.
Draw a loaf of bread at a disco.
Draw a rainstorm of sprinkles.
Draw french fries on a rollercoaster.
Draw a food eating another food.
Draw a walking taco.
Draw chicken wings flying.
Draw a banana slipping on banana peels.
Draw a cookie with googly eyes instead of chocolate chips.
Draw a pineapple rollerblading.
Draw a piece of asparagus snowboarding.
Draw an annoying orange.
Draw a donut riding a skateboard.
Draw a turkey leg eating a turkey sandwich.
Draw a cheeseburger wearing a dress.
Draw a banana in pajamas.
Draw a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on vacation.
Draw an apple talking to your art teacher.
Draw a hot dog flying.
Draw a lemon making orange juice.
Draw an ice cream cone eating a Popsicle.
Draw a garden of lollipops.
Draw your art teacher on an island.
Draw a teacher eating a pizza while dancing.
Draw a person with fruit for hair.
Draw a basketball player dunking a chicken.
Draw a pirate in a hammock.
Draw your teacher as a zombie.
Draw your art teacher with a beard.
Draw yourself with a super power.
Draw a clown sneezing out flowers.
Draw a person with donuts for eyes.
Draw a cowboy in Antarctica riding a polar bear.
Draw yourself as a fairy.
Make Believe
Draw something other than a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Draw a troll riding a unicorn.
Draw what your imaginary friend would look like if we could see them.
Draw a dragon breathing rainbows.
Draw an alien driving a car.
Draw an elf jumping on a trampoline.
Draw a super scary Valentine’s Day card.
Draw the strangest pair of glasses you can imagine.
Draw a design for a $3 bill.
Draw a bicycle riding a bicycle.
Draw a Ferris wheel on top of a mountain.
Draw a pencil sharpener eating something other than a pencil.
Draw a marker painting.
Draw a sweater made out of candy.
Draw a pair of shoes made out of flowers.
Draw a bowl of cereal under the sea.
Draw a crying crayon.
Draw a cabin on top of a cloud.
Draw your own version of Mount Rushmore.
Draw a pair of scissors running.
Draw a squirt gun squirting paint.
Draw a mountain topped with glitter.
Draw the Statue of Liberty eating pizza.
Draw lightning striking the tallest building in the world.
Draw a treasure chest in an underground cave.
Draw the Eiffel Tower eating a baguette.
Draw an eye with tree branches for lashes.
Draw a snowman sailing.
Combine two holidays to make a new one.
Draw a plant with a face.
Draw the moon fighting the sun over a turkey sandwich.
Draw a crime scene where a donut lost its donut hole.
Draw a foot doing a handstand.
Draw a stick figure falling.
Draw something gross.
Reinvent your favorite team’s logo.
Draw an emoji in real life.
Draw a cactus in a milkshake.
Draw the moon howling at a wolf.
Draw a can of soda pouring out rainbows.
Draw your name as an animal.
Thanks to https://theartofeducation.edu/2017/04/10/100-silly-drawing-prompts-engage-students/ for this great list!
